Summary of Issue Encountered
When you move all the beach balls to where players spawn in the pool they glitch into them and become stuck
(credit to blackphoenix for finding glitch)
Expected Result
We don't get stuck in the beach balls
Actual Result
When bunched together we get stuck in the beach balls
Steps to Reproduce
Move beach balls to spot where players spawn in pool and try to enter pool
Screenshots/Error(s) in Console (if applicable) of the Issue
When you move all the beach balls to where players spawn in the pool they glitch into them and become stuck
(credit to blackphoenix for finding glitch)
Expected Result
We don't get stuck in the beach balls
Actual Result
When bunched together we get stuck in the beach balls
Steps to Reproduce
Move beach balls to spot where players spawn in pool and try to enter pool
Screenshots/Error(s) in Console (if applicable) of the Issue