About Solstice Game Studios
Solstice Game Studios is a small independent video game developer creating games and tools for Garry's Mod.
We are the creators of YukiTheater, GModCEFCodecFix, and GMod Cruise Line.
Want to be part of SGS?
If you'd like to be a Moderator or Developer for SGS, submit an application on our Forums!
About The Team
Daniel Rentfro (WinterPhoenix) 🔗
Founder / Lead Developer
Founder and Lead Developer for all of our projects. Creator of YukiTheater, the studio's first project, before it was a studio.
Knows Lua, Python, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, PHP, C++, and a lot about Computer Networking.
Self-described EDM Enthusiast, Anime Fan, and enjoyer of cute things.
Steam Profile · Personal Website · [email protected]"Akiko Kumagara" (Akiko) 🔗
3D Modeler
Creates 3D models for our projects, helps maintain the macOS side of GModCEFCodecFix, and many other miscellaneous things.
Contrary to popular belief, Akiko is not actually a bear.
Steam Profile · Personal Website · Twitch · [email protected]Daniel Fewster (Danno) 🔗
Currently working on Cards Against Humanity.
Wrote several features for YukiTheater and GMCL, including the Melon Dispenser and Fairy Pet.
"I have a terrible addiction to saying lmao, lmao." - Dan
Steam ProfileRicky Sears (MrMuffinz) 🔗
Level Designer
Primary mapper for YukiTheater since 2015. Slaving away at YukiTheater's v3 Map.
The goblin currently scurrying through your local sewer system.
Steam ProfileInactive / Retired Developers
Brandon Little (Inco) 🔗
Programmer / 3D Modeler
Invented the custom animation system as well as created and improved several models for YukiTheater.
Knows Lua, Web Languages, C, and UNIX Shell.
Firm advocate for suckless software and lifestyle.
Steam Profile · Personal Website · GitHubChloe Marcec (ogniK) 🔗
Wrote the original Kazotsky Emote for YukiTheater and a handful of other things.
Knows Lua, C++, Ruby, C, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Sourcepawn, Perl, and Assembly (x86, x64, 8080s...).
Likes writing super fast code that no one else understands.
Steam Profile"Consistency" (HEX: Bleeding Heart) 🔗
3D Modeler
Made the zombie, acid barrel, skeleton fish, and a few other props for YukiTheater.
Runs solely on oolong tea.
Steam Profile"Demonkush" (xebtre) 🔗
Level Designer
Created the "Backyard" Minigolf map and improved the Ship map for GMod Cruise Line.
Creator of several standalone maps and a developer of the Morbus gamemode for GMod.
Enjoys mapping, jazz, and still plays MapleStory for some reason...
Steam ProfileKevin Mariño (NivekNait) 🔗
3D Modeler
Created several of the furniture/prop models and the rocket shoes for GMod Cruise Line.
Likes Anime and eating cookies (lots of them).
Steam ProfileNoemi Marcec (Sinful Mario) 🔗
3D Modeler
Created and improved several models for YukiTheater.
Puts mayo on everything. EVERYTHING.
Steam Profile"Willow" (willøw) 🔗
Level Designer / 3D Modeler
Created the Ship and most of the Minigolf maps for GMCL, as well as several models for our projects.
Unironically enjoys Second Life, a lurker of r/me_irl, and self-proclaimed s***poster extraordinaire.
Steam Profile