GawkyDanny ⑨
New Member
Steam Username
Current Age
Timezone (Use this website if you don't know)
Eastern Time Zone
Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time)
3:00 - 8:00 PM
I can always stay on longer If needed.
Position Applying For (Moderator, Programmer, Modeler, Mapper, Graphics Artist, or Video Editor/Marketeer)
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota? (Moderators only)
Yes I understand and Agree to the Activity Quota.
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
Honestly, No.
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on Servers (you can give a rough estimate if you don't know)
I would say around Early July. 2016
230+ Total Playtime
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
Well I've been online enough to know how a moderator should act and what they should do In certain situations. Really I just wanna make Yuki Theater a fun place to go too and not to have people going around breaking rules. Make sure that people will not be disrespectful or disobedient.
I wanna try to make our wonderful community grow and free It of all the bad situations.
Extra Information or Comments
Becoming a Moderator on Yuki Theater would be a wonderful opportunity to have to help. Even tho I have been here for not as long as others. I understand the rules and what I should do as a member.
Current Age
Timezone (Use this website if you don't know)
Eastern Time Zone
Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time)
3:00 - 8:00 PM
I can always stay on longer If needed.
Position Applying For (Moderator, Programmer, Modeler, Mapper, Graphics Artist, or Video Editor/Marketeer)
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota? (Moderators only)
Yes I understand and Agree to the Activity Quota.
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
Honestly, No.
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on Servers (you can give a rough estimate if you don't know)
I would say around Early July. 2016
230+ Total Playtime
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
Well I've been online enough to know how a moderator should act and what they should do In certain situations. Really I just wanna make Yuki Theater a fun place to go too and not to have people going around breaking rules. Make sure that people will not be disrespectful or disobedient.
I wanna try to make our wonderful community grow and free It of all the bad situations.
Extra Information or Comments
Becoming a Moderator on Yuki Theater would be a wonderful opportunity to have to help. Even tho I have been here for not as long as others. I understand the rules and what I should do as a member.
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