These are the Server Rules for YukiTheater.
Not following these rules may result in a ban!
If you see a player breaking the rules:
Message Admins currently on the server by saying /msgadmins <message> in chat.
If no Admins are currently on the server, privately message one on Discord or the Forums.
General Rules
Not following these rules may result in a ban!
If you see a player breaking the rules:
Message Admins currently on the server by saying /msgadmins <message> in chat.
If no Admins are currently on the server, privately message one on Discord or the Forums.
General Rules
- Do Not Troll/Grief/Harass/Dox
Don't do anything to upset other people intentionally and don't continue to interact with somebody if they've told you to leave them alone.
Be nice.
- Do Not Discriminate
Be respectful of others with different backgrounds. Nobody deserves to be attacked for who/what they are.
- Do Not Impersonate
Pretending to be somebody else could potentially give you the power to abuse other players.
- Do Not Hack, Cheat, DoS, Exploit, etc
This includes attempting to defeat the AFK or Credits systems.
If you find an exploit, privately report it to a member of staff, and you will be rewarded.
If you choose to abuse an exploit you find, you will be banned.
- Do Not Spoil
Nobody likes being told how a story ends before they finish it.
This includes things like how to find secret areas, how to get hidden achievements, etc.
- Do Not Attack/Raid Other Communities/Groups
We do not condone using our community as a "banner" under which to attack/raid others.
- Do Not Trade Credits/Items for Real World Money/Value
This will result in a permanent ban as the potential for scam is huge.
- Use Common Sense
Anything not listed above or not in the Video Rules falls under this rule. Please take a moment to think before you do something that might get you banned.
These rules represent the spirit of the type of community we want to have. Looking for loopholes in these rules is a waste of time.
Video Rules
As a general rule of thumb, we allow content in Public Theaters up to/including an MPAA PG-13 Rating.
As a general rule of thumb, we allow content in Public Theaters up to/including an MPAA PG-13 Rating.
- Anime-Themed does not mean Anime-Only
You are allowed to queue any video you'd like as long as they follow the rules below.
- Sexually Suggestive Video Content
Strip-teasing, Ecchi/Hentai, Porn, Nudity, or otherwise sexually suggestive content is not allowed. This includes Breast Exams or things of the like. Fanservice in Anime such as panty/cleavage shots, bathing suits, non-sexual shower scenes, and similar content is allowed, however content such as scantily-clad outfits, censored/uncensored sexual body parts, or similar/more sexually intense content is not. As a general rule of thumb, Anime such as Baka To Test is allowed, however something at or worse than No Game No Life or High School of the Dead (HOTD) is not, as that is Ecchi. Video Game Footage follows the same rules as animated videos.
- Shocking/Disturbing Video Content
Anything like Meatspin, 2girls1cup, Animal Slaughter, Decapitation, Real Life Gore, Surgery, etc is strictly prohibited. Gore is only allowed in Anime or Animated Form to a certain extent. It may depict censored bullet/stab wounds, realistic (ex. not excessive) amounts of blood, bloody (but not enough to be gore) transformations, pools of blood, vomiting blood or similar content, however content such as decapitation, exploding bodies, uncensored bodily entrails, or similar/more intense content is not. In general, Anime such as Another, Elfen Lied, Corpse Party, or the like are not allowed. Video Game Footage follows the same rules as animated videos, depending on realism.
- Trolling, Excessively Loud, or Annoying Video Content
Earrape (Sudden increases in Volume, etc), Eyerape (Strobe lighting, etc), Loops, etc are not allowed. These videos are generally considered as annoying, so we don't allow them.
Private Theater/Apartment Video Rules
As a general rule of thumb, we allow content in Private Theaters and Apartments up to/including an MPAA R Rating.
The exceptions below apply ONLY to Private Theaters and Apartments! They are bannable in Public Theaters!
As a general rule of thumb, we allow content in Private Theaters and Apartments up to/including an MPAA R Rating.
The exceptions below apply ONLY to Private Theaters and Apartments! They are bannable in Public Theaters!
- Sexually Suggestive Video Content
Ecchi is allowed, Porn and Hentai are not. For example, Ecchi Anime such as Highschool DxD, High School of the Dead (HOTD), To Love-Ru, Date A Live, etc are allowed, however Hentai such as Bible Black, Boku no Pico, Kiss x Sis, etc are not. If the primary content of the video, animated or not, is sexual intercourse/nudity, it is still bannable. Breast Exams or similar content are not allowed. Video Game Footage follows the same rules as animated videos.
- Shocking/Disturbing Video Content
The regular Video Rules still apply for Real Life content. Most Anime containing shocking/disturbing content are allowed in Private Theaters/Apartments, however those containing content such as extremely detailed bodily entrails or similar/worse disturbing/graphical content are not. Anime such as Another, Elfen Lied, Attack on Titan, Corpse Party, Hellsing, Mirai Nikki, or the like is allowed. Video Game Footage follows the same rules as animated videos, depending on realism.
- Trolling, Excessively Loud, or Annoying Video Content
This type of content is allowed in Private Theaters/Apartments.
Apartment Paintable Rules
We're a little stricter with images on Paintables than with Videos, as Paintables are long-lived and more visible than Video.
We're a little stricter with images on Paintables than with Videos, as Paintables are long-lived and more visible than Video.
- Sexually Suggestive Image Content
Porn, Hentai, and any form of Nudity are not allowed. Anything that would be generally considered public indecency in real life isn't allowed either. This means that while most swimwear is allowed, underwear and lingerie are not. Furthermore, outlines of nipples or genitals are not allowed.
- Shocking/Disturbing Image Content
Just like Shocking/Disturbing Video Content, anything like Meatspin, 2girls1cup, Animal Slaughter, Decapitation, Gore, Surgery, etc is strictly prohibited. This content, and anything similar to it, is not allowed in animated or drawn form either.
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