Denied TacticalHoodie Moderator Application

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New Member
Steam name:Tactical Hoodie

Age: 13

TimezoneAustralian Eastern Standard Time

Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time) im usually on all day some days i might not be usually on weekends and fridays and sometimes during the week. im 24 hours in front of the server time

Applying for Moderator

I understand and agree to maintain the Activity Quota.

i've been Mods and Admins on other servers.
my total play time is:
id like to improve the Community and stop people from breaking the rules such at watching Hentai
i'm not too good at handing out applications sorry if this is a mess im usually just given postions cause i usually do them on the server with the owner so very sorry if this is a mess
Hello there!

We've just updated our stickied Staff Application Information thread to include information about our new application process. This application is too old to participate in the new process, and as such, is being Automatically Denied.

However, if you are still interested in becoming a Moderator for Solstice Game Studios, we encourage you to re-apply with a new application.

We hope to see you in the future!

/auto denied
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