Expired Sound cuts out while on server

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New Member
So whenever I play on Yukitheater now my sound randomly cuts out, its not just for the videos its the entire server noise. My headset never does this for anything else, or when I play on any other servers. Does anybody know a fix or something?

Note: It didn't start happening until I got a new headset.
Check that you have the proper audio drivers for both your PC's sound card and your headset (if it has them).
Well I checked my drivers etc, but I decided to google about it and it seems to be a problem with my headset. Its weird though because I never experience this issue outside of the server.
Well I checked my drivers etc, but I decided to google about it and it seems to be a problem with my headset. Its weird though because I never experience this issue outside of the server.
Out of interest, do you play on other Cinema mode servers? (that presumably use Awesomium core applet to play videos, via Flash)
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