- Updated Map for Halloween (thanks MrMuffinz!)
- Added ?????? achievement for completing the new ?????? Easter Egg
- Question Marks in Location Names are now automatically replaced with random symbols and numbers
- Re-enabled Halloween Generator Minigame from last year, Fixed the location of the Minigame Generator in the Private Theater Lounge
- Re-enabled Golden Freddy Jumpscare (and its achievement) from last year
- Re-enabled Tombstones for deaths
- Changed Popcorn Buckets to Halloween Candy Bags
- Made the UI Halloween themed
- Reverted Location System back to Vanilla Cinema's system (fixing just about everything that was broken with the new system)
- Changed Shop NPC models to Ghosts
- Added Spooky Sounds that play every so often
- Fixed Bass Test Entity not syncing time between players, Fixed Bass Test Entity just being totally broken clientside if spawned before they joined
Love You All! <3
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