- Updated Map for Halloween (Thanks goes to Mr. Muffinz (New Mapper) and the rest of the Dev Team!)
- Added Awesome Halloween Minigame where winning results in a Credits Boost and an Achievement!
- [10/6] Added Golden Freddy Slay Mechanic and Achievement
- [10/6] Changed Players' Death models to Tombstones for Halloween
- Changed the Popcorn Bucket SWEP to a Trick or Treat Bag for Halloween
- [10/10] Changed HUD stuff to be Halloween-Themed
- Made Theater Thumbnails clip through the wall for Halloween
- [10/18] Fixed Kazotsky Kick Lua Error Spam (18000+ Entries)
- [10/18] Fixed Kazotsky Kick being audible in Theaters
- [10/20] Added Mute/Unmute All Button to Scoreboard (only non-staff)
- Capped Theater Queues to 150 Videos
- Added "She's Not Even a Locamotive Yet!" Achievement
- Added "Thanks from Muffinz" Achievement
- [10/18] Battery Percentage is now represented in color for the Top Left HUD for laptop users
- [10/11] Made Join Sounds more reliable
- [10/11] Added Join Sound for Flohican LeyLey
- [10/18] Exempted YukiTheater RTMP Service from Vote Skipping and 5 Minute Video Cooldown
- [10/18] Added Confirmation Windows to Theater Reset Commands (SA+)
- Fixed Fedora Hat size on Chibi Miku
- [10/20] Fixed Player Count on Scoreboard not properly resizing correctly