Steam Username
Ocean Moonlight
Current Age
Timezone (Use this website if you don't know)
Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time)
Weekdays: 1pm-7pm Weekends: Anytime from 6am-11pm. Both EST
Position Applying For (Moderator, Programmer, Modeler, Mapper, Graphics Artist, or Video Editor/Marketeer)
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota? (Moderators only)
I understand and agree
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
1 year moderator and lead moderator on TeamVOC cinema, 2 years owning my own cinema server with an active community. I now no longer have my own server
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on Servers (you can give a rough estimate if you don't know)
I think i joined the community in late 2014 early 2015. Playtime is 279:06:52 and will increase a lot more as i'm planning on spending a lot more time on the server.
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
Being from the UK, my weekend times on the server will ensure there is a staff member on when the US staff members are still sleeping. Also the daytime times will cover the server while others are at work/in school or college. I can also host some little events like karaoke, various contests, riddles and puzzles etc. Just generally bringing the server together and having fun.
Edit: I have recently purchased all 4 packs of Jackbox so will be able to host a number of games involving that
Extra Information or Comments
I was also an admin, and eventually owner, of a DarkRP server which has given me the skills to deal with difficult players in a calm and effective manner.
I've always loved the server and always kept coming back for more! You can never get rid of me!! xD
Thanks for looking at my app <3
Ocean Moonlight
Current Age
Timezone (Use this website if you don't know)
Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time)
Weekdays: 1pm-7pm Weekends: Anytime from 6am-11pm. Both EST
Position Applying For (Moderator, Programmer, Modeler, Mapper, Graphics Artist, or Video Editor/Marketeer)
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota? (Moderators only)
I understand and agree
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
1 year moderator and lead moderator on TeamVOC cinema, 2 years owning my own cinema server with an active community. I now no longer have my own server
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on Servers (you can give a rough estimate if you don't know)
I think i joined the community in late 2014 early 2015. Playtime is 279:06:52 and will increase a lot more as i'm planning on spending a lot more time on the server.
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
Being from the UK, my weekend times on the server will ensure there is a staff member on when the US staff members are still sleeping. Also the daytime times will cover the server while others are at work/in school or college. I can also host some little events like karaoke, various contests, riddles and puzzles etc. Just generally bringing the server together and having fun.
Edit: I have recently purchased all 4 packs of Jackbox so will be able to host a number of games involving that
Extra Information or Comments
I was also an admin, and eventually owner, of a DarkRP server which has given me the skills to deal with difficult players in a calm and effective manner.
I've always loved the server and always kept coming back for more! You can never get rid of me!! xD
Thanks for looking at my app <3
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