Denied Lolicons Ban Appeal

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New Member
Steam Username : Lolicon

Length of Ban: Permanently

Staff Member that Banned You: Pants

Ban Reason: Real Life Death

Why You Should Be Unbanned: I judged a video by the thumbnail and didn't watch the video itself before requesting it. "Oh a funny 4 chan webm compilation". Then it showed a random death webm which i was not aware of, as soon as I saw this I told my friend to skip the video (this was in a private theater so no one else seen it but me and my friend). Thus he skipped it and we started watching videos that we actually watched before. about 5 minutes after I got a permanent ban. This was my first ban and also I never have had a warning.

I acknowledge that I should wait 3 months before posting, but i feel like action was taken too swiftly against me. i really enjoy the server and i would like to join the community again.

I also acknowledge that I should have viewed the video before hand I will be more careful from now on.

Thank you for viewing my ban appeal

If your Appeal is denied, you can try again in several weeks. If your ban is Permanent, please wait at least 3 Months before posting an Appeal.

If you are not staff, under no circumstances are you permitted to comment on another users ban appeal.
Hi there Lolicon.
I'll be handling your appeal. Here is your ban information.

Moderator who banned you: Salty Bird
Reason: Real Life Death
Length: Permanent
Video Log ID: 1326842

Real life death videos aren't taken lightly here and as stated in the rules they will often result in a permanent ban. I see that the video was skipped but that doesn't excuse you from the rules. There's a clear warning when you go to queue a video stating "Queuing videos against the rules will result in a ban!" You should have reviewed the video yourself before queuing it. A video titled "ULTIMATE 4CHAN WEBM COMPILATION (WARNING: EDGY) " is definitely something you should have looked into. I understand you may have messed up but we can't overlook content like this. Sorry I'm going to have to deny this appeal.

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