New Member
Steam Username
Length of Ban
Staff Member that Banned You
Ban Reason
Tease, Disgusting, Previous bans, Perma, Log IDs:1050245, 1050244, 1050243
I played 3 videos clips from Jackass that would be considered sexually suggestive and disgusting.
I've received several warnings and bans prior to this one for discrimination, trolling and one for ecchi.
I was warned in one of my appeals that my next ban would be permanent and so it was.
After making an appeal and having it denied I created two reports on the yukitheater forums targeting staff for being "abusive" and "SJWs".
Why should I be unbanned? I waited the two months that a moderator tells me before I should request a ban appeal, it has been two months. I think I should be unbanned because during the time that I was banned permanently late last year to this day I have actually learned how to behave properly on a server and read the rules. I am more mature and I have put the my immature behavuior that got me banned from yukithjeater to an end. I will solemnly swear that I will whole heartedly obey the rules of this server.