- Re-hauled a lot of the Lottery System code, it now acts closer to a real Lottery
- Switched from tmysql4_boost to MySQLOO v8 Module for MySQL Connections/Queries
- Fixed some issues with content resulting from switching the server to run on a Linux OS
- Added "is no longer AFK" Chat Message
- Added Fancy Notifications System (A lot less Chat spam!)
- Moved Adverts from ULX to a custom script (Now it won't tell you about Donator stuff if you've already donated)
- Disabled moving of the Piano
- Moved a bunch of ChatPrint Messages to the new Notifications System
- Added red "AFK" above AFK Players' Names
- Added resource.AddWorkshop() for YukiTheater's Content Pack (Everybody should be able to join a lot faster now)
- Added /me Chat Command
- Video Logging now logs the Theater Room it was requested in, and the Room's Owner, if any
- Increased stability of "On-Join" Achievements (Donator!, Thousandaire, etc)