- Added 15 New Playermodels
- Added Checkers and Chess Tables to the Lobby and VIP Lounge
- Created a New Schedule for the Anime Room for February
- Added "Miku Miku Fever" Achievement
- Created Map Content and Content Pack 2 for Steam Workshop
- The IsFullyInit system now automatically makes a Player reconnect after 6 Failures
- Created /forums and /togglecontrols Chat Command
- Updated the Help/Commands Webpage
- Removed Holiday Content from the Lobby
- Videos are now prevented from being queued in any Auditorium if it has been played within the last 5 Minutes
- Using the Chill Area Radio now Refreshes it
- Fixed Chill Area Radio Stream URL (The Radio is fixed)
- Added a system to check if a player has multiple entries in the Player Achievements Table and will fix it if they do
- Achievements Comparison now sends Achievements Tables On-Request
- Made some basic progress with Hat Entities (Hat Shop possibly next update)
- Thirdperson now calculates based on the Playermodel's Scale
- Community Stats Board now fetches every Hour instead of 10 Minutes and displays when it was last updated
- Fixed up some of the New Year's Code and tied it to a Console Command that Superadmins+ can use
- Merged some Cinema Commits as of the 23rd
- Players now receive a message upon getting the Donator Achievement