Denied exocel's Moderator application [Updated 9/9/2016]

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exocel ⑨

New Member
Steam Username


Current Age



Hawaiian Standard Time

Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time)

Weekdays 12-6am Weekends 6pm-3am

Position Applying For

I am applying for a Moderator position.

Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota?

I understand and agree to maintain the activity quota.

Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position

  • Super Admin on a friends DarkRP server from February 2013 through December 2013, the server typically had 5-10 people online. He eventually grew bored and shut down the server.

  • Admin on a medium sized Basewars server from June 2013 through February 2014, it averaged 10-30 people online at peak times, I stopped playing Garry's Mod Feb. 2014 - Nov. 2014, so I resigned.

  • Admin on LucidRP, a small sized vanilla RP server October 2013 through February 2014, 5-20 people online at any given time. I stopped playing Garry's Mod Feb. 2014 - Nov. 2014, so I resigned.

  • Admin on GangWarsRP, a large custom RP server from November 2014 through October 2015, this gamemode hosted 6 different servers, the amount of players ranged from 30-170 at any given time. In early 2015 the Owner (Mercior) completely disappeared, no contact with the devs or super admins for months, in October he shut off the servers.

I've moderated a few other DarkRP servers throughout the years, but it was for a short period of time so I won't list them.

Community Join Date and Total Playtime on Servers

I joined mid July of 2016. As of September 9th, 2016 I have accumulated 390 hours of play time.

How You Would Improve the Studio or Community

I will utilize my prior Moderator/Admin experience and make strives to ensure that YukiTheater remains a safe-haven for our dedicated fanbase and a welcoming environment for new players. I will also work with the staff in order to coordinate events to keep the atmosphere fresh and enjoyable for all players. When dealing with trolls and minges I will try my best to reason with them before dishing out a punishment, however if they fail to comply I will assess the situation as best I can without bias so I may determine a fair verdict.

Extra Information or Comments

I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read and consider my application. Whether it is accepted or declined I am grateful for the phenomenal experience this server has bestowed upon me. Thank you.
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