Fixed Awesomium History Not Storing

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Kawaii Believe It

Active Member
Summary of Issue Encountered
The other day I had over 800+ videos in my history for awesomium. I know it is stored locally so I checked my Awesomium txt log to see if that would help but I am getting dhcp_proxy_script errors.
I would queue more videos and now they are not storing.

I checked console and I am not seeing a reason as to why it is not storing. The only error I am seeing is a lua error to the cinema gamemode which I would presume is irrelevant to this issue.

Expected Result
Queue a video and it gets stored in the history of awesomium

Actual Result
Queue a video and it never shows up in history

Steps to Reproduce
Cannot determine what the probable cause..

Screenshots/Error(s) in Console (if applicable) of the Issue
HistoryProblem.PNG HistoryProblem1.PNGHistoryProblem2.PNG

I think GMod is damaged, going to uninstall then reinstall. Will update this post to see if that fixed the issue.

Did not resolve after the uninstall then reinstall. Checking my User folder on my account. Nope, did not see anything there either.
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The History doesn't store in Awesomium. The Video History, however, is stored in a SQLite DB in a file called cl.db in your GMod Installation. Simply delete that file and you'll be able to store your Video History again.
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