3DS Friend Codes?

I thought I'd just make this thread for all the people who have Nintendo 3DS's and are seeking friends!​

So here's what we'll do:
Reply with your Steam Username and 3DS Friend Code! Also, add a few of your favorite games if you'd like!
2. If you're really REALLY seeking friends, you can "Watch this thread" and maybe even "Receive email notifications!" That way, whenever someone else replies with their friend code, you can add them and start playing!


Okay, so I'll start!
My Steam Username is Sushi☆ and my 3DS Friend Code is 1392-8199-0504!
These are the games I have:
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Yo-Kai Watch
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Pokémon Sun
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Steam Username: RED - ハンナナ1101 (otherwise known as the artist previously known as TheRedChameleon)
Friend Code: 0490-9444-2186
Games: (I guess in order of enjoyment)
Pokemon X
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Mario Kart 7
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Bravely Default
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Tomodachi Life
Nintendogs + cats
Steam username: † LunarRay †
3DS Friend Code: 3437-3097-8532

Mario Kart 7
Super Smash Bros. For 3DS
Kid Icarus Uprising
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
Code of Princess
Sonic Generations
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition
Monster Hunter Generations
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Pokemon Moon
Updating; got a new friend code because I had to System Restore my 3DS.

Steam username: Sophie-bear
3DS Friend Code: 4184-7004-8753

Online Games
Pokemon Moon
Pokemon Y
Pokemon Omega Ruby
Super Smash Bros. For 3DS
Dead or Alive Dimensions
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition
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