Here we are, another year later!
It's pretty incredible that we're still here.
I wanna take a moment to be serious and talk about 2024. It could have very well been our last year. Not because it would've been our choice, or because we want to stop building, but because SGS had been struggling financially for years. And for those years, I was personally footing the bill.
I was okay with that. I mentioned our financial difficulties in the 10 Year Anniversary post in 2023, but didn't talk much about it after that, because I felt we hadn't earned the right.
But then I, personally, also started struggling financially. For some time, there was the worry of whether or not I'd be able to keep SGS/Yuki going.
Fortunately, at the end of 2023/beginning of 2024, we released two things that would change that. The first, Supporter and Power Supporter ranks. The second, the Apartments Update.
To be completely frank, without your financial support in 2024, PARTICULARLY from (Power) Supporters, SGS/Yuki may not still be here. We are INCREDIBLY thankful to all of you!
We still don't make a lot in the grand scheme of things, but we are on MUCH better footing than we were a year ago. The debt SGS owed me personally is now paid off, and we are now in a position where we can consider upgrading our production server, FINALLY, after something like 10 years.
If you don't know, the server that runs all our GMod servers, SolsticeProd, runs an i7-4790K. That's been enough to run Yuki all these years, just barely scraping by during the New Year's Event. But if you were there for New Year 2025, you know it's starting to get to the point where it's not enough. Not even for 105 players, which is what we have it limited to right now to enable even semi-reasonable performance.
Yuki is still something we work on in our spare time right now, but we're still working on it as much as we can.
Within the next couple of weeks, you should see at least 2 more semi-big features added. They're features most of you won't be expecting, so stay tuned!
Here's to another year of Yuki, and everything SGS!
And remember, You have 3 hours left to get the Anniversary Achievement in Yuki!
Love You All!

I wanna take a moment to be serious and talk about 2024. It could have very well been our last year. Not because it would've been our choice, or because we want to stop building, but because SGS had been struggling financially for years. And for those years, I was personally footing the bill.
I was okay with that. I mentioned our financial difficulties in the 10 Year Anniversary post in 2023, but didn't talk much about it after that, because I felt we hadn't earned the right.
But then I, personally, also started struggling financially. For some time, there was the worry of whether or not I'd be able to keep SGS/Yuki going.
Fortunately, at the end of 2023/beginning of 2024, we released two things that would change that. The first, Supporter and Power Supporter ranks. The second, the Apartments Update.
To be completely frank, without your financial support in 2024, PARTICULARLY from (Power) Supporters, SGS/Yuki may not still be here. We are INCREDIBLY thankful to all of you!

We still don't make a lot in the grand scheme of things, but we are on MUCH better footing than we were a year ago. The debt SGS owed me personally is now paid off, and we are now in a position where we can consider upgrading our production server, FINALLY, after something like 10 years.
If you don't know, the server that runs all our GMod servers, SolsticeProd, runs an i7-4790K. That's been enough to run Yuki all these years, just barely scraping by during the New Year's Event. But if you were there for New Year 2025, you know it's starting to get to the point where it's not enough. Not even for 105 players, which is what we have it limited to right now to enable even semi-reasonable performance.
Yuki is still something we work on in our spare time right now, but we're still working on it as much as we can.
Within the next couple of weeks, you should see at least 2 more semi-big features added. They're features most of you won't be expecting, so stay tuned!
Here's to another year of Yuki, and everything SGS!

And remember, You have 3 hours left to get the Anniversary Achievement in Yuki!
Love You All!