Fixed What the fuck is going on with direct audio?

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Affected Gamemode/Excursion Ship

Summary of Issue Encountered: Direct audio cuts off way before its supposed to

Expected Result: When i would play direct audio (from my own domain) i would get the full length song

Actual Result: Direct audio makes your music cut off before its supposed to, although youtube works perfectly.

Steps to Reproduce: Play something with your own server and look at the time left, its lower than supposed to.

Screenshots/Error(s) in Console (if applicable) of the Issue
(On the right is the time it should be)
I know exactly what's going on. It'll be fixed as soon as I can get to it.
Has this issue been resolved? I think it has, but please let me know if it hasn't.
Yeah, it's working now. I believe this is when it would play 1 minute of anything requested.
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