Steam Username
Twinky STEAM_0:1:81729147
Length of Ban
Staff Member that Banned You
Ban Reason
Pornography, Discrimination, Multiple Past Offenses, Permanent, Log IDs: 1991780, 1991776
Why You Should Be Unbanned
The video I queue'd was a link my friend sent me and I did not check. After realizing what it was I removed it before it played. I'm not sure what the discrimination is about but the "Multiple Past Offences" were over a year ago as my last ban was on 09/01/16 21:33:11. I do apologize for the porn as I did not mean to break the rules.
Twinky STEAM_0:1:81729147
Length of Ban
Staff Member that Banned You
Ban Reason
Pornography, Discrimination, Multiple Past Offenses, Permanent, Log IDs: 1991780, 1991776
Why You Should Be Unbanned
The video I queue'd was a link my friend sent me and I did not check. After realizing what it was I removed it before it played. I'm not sure what the discrimination is about but the "Multiple Past Offences" were over a year ago as my last ban was on 09/01/16 21:33:11. I do apologize for the porn as I did not mean to break the rules.