Steam Username
Current Age
Time zone
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
UTC/GMT -5 hours
Time Ranges typically on our Servers in a Day (Eastern Time)
From 3pm-10pm Eastern
Position Applying For (Moderator, Programmer, Modeler, Mapper, Graphics Artist, or Video Editor/Marketer)
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota? (Moderators only)
I understand and agree to maintain the Activity Quota.
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
I Have staffed on 3 Dark RP servers
One of them I was CO owner for 2 months until the server was shut down
On the others I was Moderator who worked for about 3 months on each
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on our Servers
(HH:MM:SS): 66:49:44
I'm Really not sure when I joined sometime during summer 2017
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
I would love to see this great community improve and help new members of the community learn to play. I would like to help to make the servers fun and a safe place for al players
Extra Information or Comments
I have no additional information at this time. Thank you so much for reading my application!
Current Age
Time zone
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
UTC/GMT -5 hours
Time Ranges typically on our Servers in a Day (Eastern Time)
From 3pm-10pm Eastern
Position Applying For (Moderator, Programmer, Modeler, Mapper, Graphics Artist, or Video Editor/Marketer)
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota? (Moderators only)
I understand and agree to maintain the Activity Quota.
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
I Have staffed on 3 Dark RP servers
One of them I was CO owner for 2 months until the server was shut down
On the others I was Moderator who worked for about 3 months on each
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on our Servers
(HH:MM:SS): 66:49:44
I'm Really not sure when I joined sometime during summer 2017
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
I would love to see this great community improve and help new members of the community learn to play. I would like to help to make the servers fun and a safe place for al players
Extra Information or Comments
I have no additional information at this time. Thank you so much for reading my application!
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