Steam Username
Current Age
Central/Chicago time (Missouri)
Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time)
Position Applying For
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota?
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
None, would be a nice learning experience
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on Servers
joined January 2016, but became active around February of 2017, and have 367 hours on the server so far
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
In many ways I have low tolerance for trolls and any severe cases would not be tolerated if action became necessary. Other than that I'd just try do what I normally do and be a mod when I need to be
Extra Information or Comments
Many of you know me, and know I'm a pretty easy going guy. I get along with many people and have made a few friends on the server. But there are a few times when I meet people that are just not cool... so I'm mostly doing this because there have been times when no mods are on the server while a dozen or so people were on the server. So of course I realize there isn't always gonna be a mod on the server at any given time, but I can help close the gap. And I may not be on the server much right now but with the acceptance of the mod app I'd force myself to go on more for the sake of my "job" as a mod (in a "I'm not doing this for fun, it's for the good of Yuki" sorta way). And with Cruise Line reaching publication, I wouldn't mind being one of the first mods for it. I support Solstice, so I'll help however I can (outside of development of course)
Current Age
Central/Chicago time (Missouri)
Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time)
Position Applying For
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota?
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
None, would be a nice learning experience
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on Servers
joined January 2016, but became active around February of 2017, and have 367 hours on the server so far
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
In many ways I have low tolerance for trolls and any severe cases would not be tolerated if action became necessary. Other than that I'd just try do what I normally do and be a mod when I need to be
Extra Information or Comments
Many of you know me, and know I'm a pretty easy going guy. I get along with many people and have made a few friends on the server. But there are a few times when I meet people that are just not cool... so I'm mostly doing this because there have been times when no mods are on the server while a dozen or so people were on the server. So of course I realize there isn't always gonna be a mod on the server at any given time, but I can help close the gap. And I may not be on the server much right now but with the acceptance of the mod app I'd force myself to go on more for the sake of my "job" as a mod (in a "I'm not doing this for fun, it's for the good of Yuki" sorta way). And with Cruise Line reaching publication, I wouldn't mind being one of the first mods for it. I support Solstice, so I'll help however I can (outside of development of course)
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