Steam Username
Current Age
Time Ranges typically on our Servers in a Day (Eastern Time)
Usually 6PM to 3-6AM
Position Applying For
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota?
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
I have only ever Moderated for discord servers. if that counts.
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on our Servers
About 2 years ago is when i first started playing
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
As of right now i have a lot of free time on my hand. i mostly come on late at night when there's maybe one or no other mods on. Sometimes there are players that act out on these times.
Extra Information or Comments
I'm normal active every single day, generally late late at night/morning. i fell in love with YukiTheater ever since i first started playing on it and i hope to help out what ever way i can.
Current Age
Time Ranges typically on our Servers in a Day (Eastern Time)
Usually 6PM to 3-6AM
Position Applying For
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota?
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
I have only ever Moderated for discord servers. if that counts.
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on our Servers
About 2 years ago is when i first started playing
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
As of right now i have a lot of free time on my hand. i mostly come on late at night when there's maybe one or no other mods on. Sometimes there are players that act out on these times.
Extra Information or Comments
I'm normal active every single day, generally late late at night/morning. i fell in love with YukiTheater ever since i first started playing on it and i hope to help out what ever way i can.