Izaya Orihara (Nick)
New Member
Steam Username:
I'll also post the Steam ID, even though it's not required for the template. STEAM_0:1:41868002
Current Age:
22 years old. (July 17th, 1995)
Eastern Standard Time / EST
Number of Hours Typically on our Servers in One Day:
5PM to 6AM (it fluctuates)
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota?:
I understand and agree to maintain the Activity Quota.
Position Applying For:
Moderator position.
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position:
I used to moderate YukiTheater back in April to August 2016. I stepped down because I couldn’t get enough hours in because of college. I still remember how to blacklist videos and use the ulx commands. Also, I've been involved with many fangame projects which happened to be 2D MMORPGs. I was pretty much co-owner status on all of them as I could program in the language and host the servers for each of those games. Project MLO (Mario & Luigi fangame), Paper Mario Online / PMO (Paper Mario fangame. This was a project I started actually.), Ocarina Memories Online / OMO (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask fangame), and a few others. However, these games weren't large games and only contained around 20+ player online limit, since the engines for these games were made in Visual Basic 6, using the Eclipse 2D MMORPG engine.
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on Servers (you can give a rough estimate if you don't know):
I joined late September 2015. Playtime (HH:MM:SS): 950:01:59, and YukiTheater is mostly all my GMOD hours I have in total.
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community:
I've been playing for a decent amount of time on the server and it has been very fun and enjoyable, but there are some times where people join the server to mess around and start drama so I feel like I could help stop the drama and give back to the community and keep the server a fun and enjoyable place. I will help bring justice to the people who break the rules, as well as help cease drama that starts and also help people who have problems or questions about the server.
Extra Information or Comments:
Nothing really! Thanks for taking your time to read my application!
I'll also post the Steam ID, even though it's not required for the template. STEAM_0:1:41868002
Current Age:
22 years old. (July 17th, 1995)
Eastern Standard Time / EST
Number of Hours Typically on our Servers in One Day:
5PM to 6AM (it fluctuates)
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota?:
I understand and agree to maintain the Activity Quota.
Position Applying For:
Moderator position.
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position:
I used to moderate YukiTheater back in April to August 2016. I stepped down because I couldn’t get enough hours in because of college. I still remember how to blacklist videos and use the ulx commands. Also, I've been involved with many fangame projects which happened to be 2D MMORPGs. I was pretty much co-owner status on all of them as I could program in the language and host the servers for each of those games. Project MLO (Mario & Luigi fangame), Paper Mario Online / PMO (Paper Mario fangame. This was a project I started actually.), Ocarina Memories Online / OMO (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask fangame), and a few others. However, these games weren't large games and only contained around 20+ player online limit, since the engines for these games were made in Visual Basic 6, using the Eclipse 2D MMORPG engine.
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on Servers (you can give a rough estimate if you don't know):
I joined late September 2015. Playtime (HH:MM:SS): 950:01:59, and YukiTheater is mostly all my GMOD hours I have in total.
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community:
I've been playing for a decent amount of time on the server and it has been very fun and enjoyable, but there are some times where people join the server to mess around and start drama so I feel like I could help stop the drama and give back to the community and keep the server a fun and enjoyable place. I will help bring justice to the people who break the rules, as well as help cease drama that starts and also help people who have problems or questions about the server.
Extra Information or Comments:
Nothing really! Thanks for taking your time to read my application!
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