Steam Username
Current Age
Timezone (Use this website if you don't know)
Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time)
I work 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST) Mon – Fri, and alot of the times have to work late now (no pre-determined time). I can be on 6:30 PM to 1:00 AM CST (7:30 PM to 2:00 AM EST)
Position Applying For (Moderator, Programmer, Modeler, Mapper, Graphics Artist, or Video Editor/Marketeer)
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota? (Moderators only)
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
I was a mod for Yuki starting in June of 2016
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on Servers (you can give a rough estimate if you don't know)
I first joined in late February, early March of 2016 and currently have 1150:35:20 of total playtime on the server
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
I would bring the same attitude I had in earlier days of Yuki. I want to help out in the times that need a mod present. I am well versed in Yuki's rules and allowed content. I want to ensure that everyone has a wonderful time in the server and also be a helping hand for those that need direction in the community to enjoy Yuki to the fullest. I would also play a big part in enforcing the rules and making sure that those whom seek to disrupt the flow of the community were reprimanded in hopes that they would change their actions and enjoy Yuki the way it was meant to be or make sure that they were removed from it completely.
Extra Information or Comments
Thank you for taking time to read my application. I know what you mods/senior mods have to do on a daily and deeply appreciate the time that you volunteer to make this community a strong and friendly place. I hope you all have a wonderful time.
Current Age
Timezone (Use this website if you don't know)
Time Ranges Typically on the Server in a Day (Eastern Time)
I work 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST) Mon – Fri, and alot of the times have to work late now (no pre-determined time). I can be on 6:30 PM to 1:00 AM CST (7:30 PM to 2:00 AM EST)
Position Applying For (Moderator, Programmer, Modeler, Mapper, Graphics Artist, or Video Editor/Marketeer)
Understand and Agree to Maintain Activity Quota? (Moderators only)
Past Experience/Creations Applicable to Position
I was a mod for Yuki starting in June of 2016
Community Join Date and Total Playtime on Servers (you can give a rough estimate if you don't know)
I first joined in late February, early March of 2016 and currently have 1150:35:20 of total playtime on the server
How You Would Improve the Studio or Community
I would bring the same attitude I had in earlier days of Yuki. I want to help out in the times that need a mod present. I am well versed in Yuki's rules and allowed content. I want to ensure that everyone has a wonderful time in the server and also be a helping hand for those that need direction in the community to enjoy Yuki to the fullest. I would also play a big part in enforcing the rules and making sure that those whom seek to disrupt the flow of the community were reprimanded in hopes that they would change their actions and enjoy Yuki the way it was meant to be or make sure that they were removed from it completely.
Extra Information or Comments
Thank you for taking time to read my application. I know what you mods/senior mods have to do on a daily and deeply appreciate the time that you volunteer to make this community a strong and friendly place. I hope you all have a wonderful time.

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