GMod Cruise Line | Planned Full Database Reset/Clear on Jul 30, 2018 @ Midnight Eastern Time


Founder / Lead Developer
Staff member
Founder/Lead Developer
Hello Passengers! Just letting you know that we're resetting/clearing GMCL's Database tonight to fix various issues with old/broken data stored in it, as well as to give the Economy a fresh start.

All Player Account Data Will Be Lost when we do this, so if you have any Item/Customization Settings that you've tweaked to perfection and want to have after the DB Reset, now is the time to get on the server and screenshot them.

Your Donator Status will stay, if you have it!

But! For being one of our Early Beta Testers
, you'll receive an Exclusive Item (to be announced) as well as a special Early Beta Tester tag on your Player Card on the Website (and maybe some other places, we're not sure yet).

If you want Early Beta Tester status, you already have it if you've ever joined GMCL. BUT if you haven't been on GMCL before and you want it, you need to get on right now. Having an account before the Reset is what makes you have it.

You can join here:

If you have any questions or anything about the Reset, please ask them in the #gmcl channel in the Discord!

Thanks Everyone! ❤️

UPDATE: Database Reset is done!
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