Discord Rich Presence Integration is now live in SGS Servers!


Founder / Lead Developer
Staff member
Founder/Lead Developer
We've added a New Feature to YukiTheater and GMod Cruise Line that, while you're playing on them, will make you appear as playing "Garry's Mod | SGS" in Discord!

Anybody that clicks on your Profile will be able to see some more information as well, such as your location in the server, how long you've been playing, how many players are on, and more!

In YukiTheater:

On GMCL's Ship:

Playing Minigolf in GMCL:

Don't want to use it? You can turn it off!
In GMCL, simply go to the Settings tab of the Scoreboard and Uncheck "Discord Rich Presence Integration."
In YukiTheater, run cinema_discordrpc 0 in Console.

Thanks for reading! Love You All! ❤️
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