Carolus Magnus Iᵉʳ le Grand
New Member
Steam Username Erwin Rommel 7e Panzerdivision STEAM_0:1:95084732 Length of Ban Permanent Staff Member that Banned You Half(STEAM_0:1:38325118) Ban Reason Skip Raid, Gore, Civil Unrest, Real Life Death, Permanent, Log IDs: 1698948, 1710120, 1710121
Why You Should Be Unbanned I was ban 12/02/16 12:20:46. I know I'm guilty and I'm wrong about putting videos about the movie: Save Private Ryan. 3 and a half years passed after the banishment of my account. I would like to redeem myself on my behavior and be able to return to your wonderful server. I have one of my friends who is VIP on your server and I would like to accompany him. 3 years are passing and I learned my lesson. I would like you to do a little bit of tolerance and forgive me. I will be wise as an angel. Thank you very much! If your Appeal is denied, you can try again in several weeks.
If your ban is Permanent, please wait at least 3 Months before posting an Appeal.
If you are not staff, under no circumstances are you permitted to comment on another users ban appeal.
Why You Should Be Unbanned I was ban 12/02/16 12:20:46. I know I'm guilty and I'm wrong about putting videos about the movie: Save Private Ryan. 3 and a half years passed after the banishment of my account. I would like to redeem myself on my behavior and be able to return to your wonderful server. I have one of my friends who is VIP on your server and I would like to accompany him. 3 years are passing and I learned my lesson. I would like you to do a little bit of tolerance and forgive me. I will be wise as an angel. Thank you very much! If your Appeal is denied, you can try again in several weeks.
If your ban is Permanent, please wait at least 3 Months before posting an Appeal.
If you are not staff, under no circumstances are you permitted to comment on another users ban appeal.