General Billbob aka The Truth
New Member
Steam Username: General Billbob
Length of Ban: 1 Week
Staff Member that Banned You: rachelxyori
Ban Reason: Discrimination(N Word), Trolling, Harrassment, and Civil Unrest.
Why You Should Be Unbanned: The only rule broken is possibly racism, I said a bunch of random shit as I was running outside, a lot I don't recall. I asked the moderator who happened to gag me in the chat, "what did I say". I was then banned and now I am here in the lions den(as the expression goes), facing most likely biased users, and probably will receive comments that are completely irrelevant from the ban reason. I have no idea where harrassment, civil unrest, or trolling came from. I came on the server went to one of the private theaters and watched a video about a guy eating lunchables, then I went to the lobby, ran outside and came back in. Then I was gagged and warned for something I said, and then banned for asking a question. I am pretty sure discrimination is not really what happened, hell I didn't even say anything to a particular person. Discrimination would be like me going up to a person of a certain ethnicity, I simply said random shit out loud, not trying to put anyone down. I try to partake in civil discord and was soon banned. I would say I am generally a kind person when people aren't trying to put me down or act like they are "good guys", but as far as the facts go I shouldn't be banned right now.
Length of Ban: 1 Week
Staff Member that Banned You: rachelxyori
Ban Reason: Discrimination(N Word), Trolling, Harrassment, and Civil Unrest.
Why You Should Be Unbanned: The only rule broken is possibly racism, I said a bunch of random shit as I was running outside, a lot I don't recall. I asked the moderator who happened to gag me in the chat, "what did I say". I was then banned and now I am here in the lions den(as the expression goes), facing most likely biased users, and probably will receive comments that are completely irrelevant from the ban reason. I have no idea where harrassment, civil unrest, or trolling came from. I came on the server went to one of the private theaters and watched a video about a guy eating lunchables, then I went to the lobby, ran outside and came back in. Then I was gagged and warned for something I said, and then banned for asking a question. I am pretty sure discrimination is not really what happened, hell I didn't even say anything to a particular person. Discrimination would be like me going up to a person of a certain ethnicity, I simply said random shit out loud, not trying to put anyone down. I try to partake in civil discord and was soon banned. I would say I am generally a kind person when people aren't trying to put me down or act like they are "good guys", but as far as the facts go I shouldn't be banned right now.