General Billbob aka The Truth
New Member
Steam Username: General Billbob
Length of Ban: 1 Week
Staff Member that Banned You: rachelxyori
Ban Reason: Discrimination( N word), Trolling, Harrassment, Civil Unrest
Why You Should Be Unbanned: To start off I would like to say that I was not aware before my ban that "civil unrest" videos from the 29th of July would stack with the rules I allegedly broke yesterday. I didn't even know the incidents were formally documented or that I was warned.I played those videos, was told to stop, which I did. Apparently I trolled,which the person who took care of my ban appeal did not give any evidence of. I have no idea what this could refer to, and like a logical individual I am not going to bring up information that could of possibly been misunderstood. If I made a response like that it would be called incrimination and confirmation bias. When it comes to harassment I apparently made an individual feel uncomfortable and asked them for personal information. In my humble opinion I cannot recall these supposed events without evidence, I am not going to defend myself from unspecific events, and I feel like I am being disrespected by being falsely accused of doing such things. When it comes to discrimination from what I can recall I turned on my mic and said a bunch of random things, none of which I really remember with how fast I was banned. If I offended anyone I am sorry and I will take full responsibility for what I said, but in no way was what I said ever meant to discriminate against anyone.
Length of Ban: 1 Week
Staff Member that Banned You: rachelxyori
Ban Reason: Discrimination( N word), Trolling, Harrassment, Civil Unrest
Why You Should Be Unbanned: To start off I would like to say that I was not aware before my ban that "civil unrest" videos from the 29th of July would stack with the rules I allegedly broke yesterday. I didn't even know the incidents were formally documented or that I was warned.I played those videos, was told to stop, which I did. Apparently I trolled,which the person who took care of my ban appeal did not give any evidence of. I have no idea what this could refer to, and like a logical individual I am not going to bring up information that could of possibly been misunderstood. If I made a response like that it would be called incrimination and confirmation bias. When it comes to harassment I apparently made an individual feel uncomfortable and asked them for personal information. In my humble opinion I cannot recall these supposed events without evidence, I am not going to defend myself from unspecific events, and I feel like I am being disrespected by being falsely accused of doing such things. When it comes to discrimination from what I can recall I turned on my mic and said a bunch of random things, none of which I really remember with how fast I was banned. If I offended anyone I am sorry and I will take full responsibility for what I said, but in no way was what I said ever meant to discriminate against anyone.