New Member
Steam Username
Length of Ban
1 week
Staff Member that Banned You
Salty bird
Ban Reason
Ear rape
Requested a 30 sec bass boosted song similar to this
Why You Should Be Unbanned
Because i didn't rape any ears. and the ban was unnecessary. Sure you wouldn't listen to a song like this seriously, but ISSA JOKE. I was joking with another player previously about rappers, i requested cause i knew they would find this kind of humor funny (if you know, you know). Even if others dont find it funny, all you have to do is vote skip. its not like you will be running to turn down the volume or rip off your headphones. Something like this can be considered ear rape and a ban would be understandable
Anyway salty gave me warning, fine that's fair enough you don't find it funny. so i don't request any other vids. But then 15 mins later they change their mind and ban me for a week ISSA MISTAKE. WTF i didn't even do anything after i was warned. I didn't even 'ear rape' in the first place but even so other people have requested worst vids and discriminate but only gotten 3 day bans but me 1 whole week, ISSA GRUDGE. You hate me i get it. I wont request anymore vids like this again.
Even though i reformed after the warning.................. I've reformed even more in the past 24 hours.. now i'm ready to rejoin this lovely community a changed person.
have a nice day
Length of Ban
1 week
Staff Member that Banned You
Salty bird
Ban Reason
Ear rape
Requested a 30 sec bass boosted song similar to this
Why You Should Be Unbanned
Because i didn't rape any ears. and the ban was unnecessary. Sure you wouldn't listen to a song like this seriously, but ISSA JOKE. I was joking with another player previously about rappers, i requested cause i knew they would find this kind of humor funny (if you know, you know). Even if others dont find it funny, all you have to do is vote skip. its not like you will be running to turn down the volume or rip off your headphones. Something like this can be considered ear rape and a ban would be understandable
Anyway salty gave me warning, fine that's fair enough you don't find it funny. so i don't request any other vids. But then 15 mins later they change their mind and ban me for a week ISSA MISTAKE. WTF i didn't even do anything after i was warned. I didn't even 'ear rape' in the first place but even so other people have requested worst vids and discriminate but only gotten 3 day bans but me 1 whole week, ISSA GRUDGE. You hate me i get it. I wont request anymore vids like this again.
Even though i reformed after the warning.................. I've reformed even more in the past 24 hours.. now i'm ready to rejoin this lovely community a changed person.
have a nice day